If you’ve ever wondered about your pricing and margins, this free Builders webinar on May 15 that 12 noon is for you.

Presented by an ex-builder who now specialises in construction pricing, the free webinar Correct Pricing? 6 Pricing Mistakes Builders Make helps you spot margins/pricing problems & permanently fix them.

Common signs you can improve your pricing include:

  • You’re worried you might be under-quoting or aren’t 100% sure.

  • Customers tell you “You’re Too Expensive” making you worry you’re wrong.

  • You feel like a salesman meeting clients (& want a better way to engage)

  • Or, you’re solidly booked ahead but can’t draw the profits you want.

  • You price every job the same way: same method, same costs, same margins.

  • Your margins seem OK but you struggle to pay bills as they fall due

  • You feel you’ve never been properly taught how to price jobs

In one hour, watching on your phone as you eat lunch, you’ll

learn to fix these problems and more.


Expert Pricing Guide for Builders

The webinar distils the insights gained when ProCalc’s Richard Armstrong (ex-Builder) interviewed hundreds of Aussie builders to better understand the challenges they face engaging with prospective clients.

It’s a no BS session, based on real builders stories, that will drive to the heart of healthy Builders’ margins and pricing. It covers costs, margins, project management fees, charging for quotes and engaging professionally with clients - plus more.

If you’ve ever had a 1 to 1 pricing conversation with Richard, this webinar will be like that – a stream of proven Builders' pricing practices, that work in the real world, to help you avoid pricing, margins & budget grief.

In this webinar, you will learn to:

  • Reality check if you’re under-quoting your jobs and giving away the profits you deserve.

  • Identify barriers to increasing your prices & how to overcome them (even in a competitive market)

  • Adapt your margins to project and market specifics – so you price jobs properly.

  • Learn how to avoid common pricing/margin mistakes that send builders broke every day.

  • Learn to show your expertise to clients to become the 'preferred builder' without feeling like a the sleazy salesman.

  • Become 100% confident with your prices by better understanding your local market pricing

You’ll identify pricing/margin issues with a clear plan to deliver solid returns for all your future projects.

All builders who register will also receive a recording of the webinar and value-rich builders’ freebies offered in the session.